How much time do you spend looking at cameras to determine if they are all working ?
How many service calls were required
because the technician was not able to resolve the issue on the first visit?

Number of hours - Think about the hourly rate & lost business development time
Consider the technician’s time, truck costs - Cost of service calls

Cost of unnecessary inventory per truck ?
What are the benefits ?

Save one service call per year and you have recouped your investment.
Save two and your ahead, making money

Greater customer satisfaction & customers who confidently refer your services, plus the time saved means you can now spend more time on developing your business increasing your top line revenue and profitability
The return of investment is reducing service calls that increases your bottom-line profit as well as increased customer satisfaction

Edge Secure Return of Investment
Edge Secure can do in minutes what will take an engineer will take hours to do.
For example. 1000 cameras will take an experienced engineer 67 hours to change the user name and passwords.Assuming there are 2080 working hours in a year that would mean an engineer working on: -
1000 cameras could change the passwords 6 times a year.
5000 cameras could change the passwords 3 times a year.
How often you change user names and passwords is dependent on your corporate policy, system maintenance or each time there is an event such as a change in your company or your integrators personnel. In large installations where there are thousands of cameras this would be a continual process that takes up valuable resources that could be deployed on to other tasks. Add to this the vulnerability management of firmware and the reality is that it probably does not get done in line with policy. That means your insecure system could present cybercriminals with new points of entry into your organization. If any one of those assets is compromised you could face a cybersecurity breach that wreaks havoc on all devices connected to your network.
Where could those engineers be best deployed?
What is password and firmware management costing you now if you can do it?
What will be the cost of a breach in terms of money and reputation?